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Agency Application Form

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, please allow plenty of time to read and complete. If you have any issues submitting the form, please contact a member of the team Please do not refresh or click back as the answers will not be saved until you press submit.


Please note: you must have one years childcare experience in order to be able to apply for this role and you must be able to back this up with references. This could be anything from working in daycare, a school or being a parent to your own children.


Please note once your initial details have been submitted you will receive an E-mail with a link to the next part of the application process. You can complete all parts in one sitting or you may take a break before completing the second part. If you do not get a link check your spam and contact for additional help.


Ensure you answer each section as with accuracy and honesty. 


All questions must be answered before clicking submit.

Application notes:

If you are unsure about your qualification please check the current guidance at the following link. (Will open in a new window)



For Overseas Qualifications:

If you did not get your qualification in England you will have to make an application for recognition to work as a qualified member of staff in an early years setting in England.


While this is in process you would be classed as unqualified and would not be counted in the qualified staffing ratios within a day nursery setting.


Your contact details?

Your qualification/level?

When are you available to start working from?

What is your date of birth?

What days are you planning to work on?

Days Available to work (Select which days you would like to work)
All team members may be required to travel up to 60 Minuites to and from work, are you a driver or use public transport

How will you travel to work?

Do you have the right to work in the UK?

Safeguarding Children,
Please read each question carefully and provide details where possible, an enhanced DBS will be obtained for all team members wishing to join, you will be required to subscribe to the DBS update service at a cost of £13 approx each year.

Keeping Children Safe:
Under keeping children safe in education 2014 regulations, Everything Childcare Agency is required to make additional checks on your suitability to work with children. To help us comply with this requirement please complete the declaration.

DBS Pre Screen:
The following is required as the work you have applied for has a requirement for an enhanced DBS to be carried out.

Would you if Applicable Re-employ the Candidate?

Current DBS Checks:
Do you hold a current DBS check that is less than three years old?


Overseas Check:
If you have lived abroad or been out of the UK for a period of 90 days or more in the past six years you will need an Overseas Police check from the country where you had been residing.



Disability Discrimination Act 1995:
Section 1 of this Act describes a disabled person as a person with a "Physical or mental impairment which has a substantial or long term effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.


Education and Training,
Please list any Childcare Qualifications or Training here starting with your highest level qualification first. You can provide details of more training at sign up meeting stage.

Course/Training 1:

Course/Training 2:

Course/Training 3:

Employment History,

Notes: Dear applicant, thank you for showing interest in joining the agency and completing the application form. The next part of your application is to provide details of referees who are able to support evidence of your past performance. Childcare employers have a duty of care to ensure that suitable people are working with children and part of this is to ensure a satisfactory history has been collected for potential employees along with the overseas Police check and DBS check.

What information do you need to provide for references?

We firstly need to ensure that all applicants have had one years experience working with children, this can be from teaching, child minding, babysitting to being a full time parent. providing the details of a referee to support this experience is vital to your application process. It is important that for any referees supporting your childcare experience, that the referee is not a relative to you, as this will void the reference.


We must have a minimum of two references covering the past six years and your most recent employment must be covered by one of these.


If you have had a number of employers in the past six years we would need to gain enough evidence from referees to satisfy your suitability for working with children, and we will use a mixture of personal and professional references to bridge any gaps in employment. you will be sent to an additional reference page once you click submit on this page. This will allow you to add another three referees if needed.


Most Recent Employer 1:
if you are still employed, please use the anticipated leave date for the to date.

Most Recent Employer 2:
if you are still employed, please use the anticipated leave date for the to date.

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Please ensure you click save signature and upload Document before clicking the final submit button, if any issues arrise click the submit reference button to avoid loosing any data entered.

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Please note the form will clear all data once you click submit. this is normal. you will receive an E-mail to show your application has been accepted. 

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